Saturday, August 10, 2013

Blue Colored App Icons with White Letters

Blue Colored App Icons with White Letters

     Is it just me or do all apps look the same? The most popular apps seem to follow the same formula when it comes to their icon design: blue background with white lettering. I can see why it works so well. Blue and white are pacifist colors and are inviting to the user. It sends a message to the customers that 'Hey, we're so popular we don't need to spell out our whole name'.  It's hard to tell one app from another when I'm using my phone in a hurry. I can't imagine someone with sight issues being able to distinguish among these apps. The design also doesn't tell the users anything about what this app does. If a person who has never heard of facebook saw the app icon, he would have no idea what this app does. The only app in this pile that gets points for creativity is the twitter icon. The 't' is designed to resemble twitter's mascot bird.

What would be the color scheme of your app icon? blue and orange. Go Greyhounds!

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