Saturday, September 7, 2013

Squarespace Commercial

 I have been watching a lot of hulu videos lately and I have seen this commercial on repeat numerous times now. This commercial is very creative. It lets the viewer know that Squarespace is adaptable for entrepreneurs in all industries by showing a variety of different hobbies. By showing the website being used through different portals such as the laptop, cellphone, and tablets, Squarespace is letting people know how easy their website is to use no matter what device you are using. Changing the music to fit the occupation or hobby of the user was a really nice touch. It shows that Squarespace fits the pace of each user individually. It makes me think Squareface would be a very flexible program. The problem with the commercial is that it only shows the Squarespace logo for only 2 seconds at the very end. This makes the company name very forgettable. Viewers might recall the catchy music and the creative chalkboard drawings, but they will have a harder time remembering 1. What is the purpose of the commercial and 2. What is the name of the company the commercial is promoting.

Would you try Squarespace based on their commerical? Square who?

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