Sunday, January 4, 2015

USPS Season Commerical

It’s hard not to get inspired watching the latest USPS commercial. This commercial aligns USPS with shipping packages during the holiday season. Creating this mapping in the customers’ mind suits USPS’s image. Whenever a customer wants to ship a package in the winter season, they will think of USPS. It is not a coincidence that USPS chooses to compare their shipping season to sport seasons. The USPS post master is talking to the mailmen/women like a coach talking to his players. People are very passionate about their sport team and never forgot their teams’ schedules. USPS wants to build on the sports passion to the USPS season and to the USPS team.

The commercial captures mailmen and mailwomen putting on snow chains and walking through snow in order to make deliveries on time. This shows just some of the hard work that goes behind every delivery you and I receive. It makes one think about the next time you want to complain about your late package, think about the blockers that might have hindered your mailman/woman rather than immediately blame the delay on laziness. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Squarespace Commercial

 I have been watching a lot of hulu videos lately and I have seen this commercial on repeat numerous times now. This commercial is very creative. It lets the viewer know that Squarespace is adaptable for entrepreneurs in all industries by showing a variety of different hobbies. By showing the website being used through different portals such as the laptop, cellphone, and tablets, Squarespace is letting people know how easy their website is to use no matter what device you are using. Changing the music to fit the occupation or hobby of the user was a really nice touch. It shows that Squarespace fits the pace of each user individually. It makes me think Squareface would be a very flexible program. The problem with the commercial is that it only shows the Squarespace logo for only 2 seconds at the very end. This makes the company name very forgettable. Viewers might recall the catchy music and the creative chalkboard drawings, but they will have a harder time remembering 1. What is the purpose of the commercial and 2. What is the name of the company the commercial is promoting.

Would you try Squarespace based on their commerical? Square who?

Friday, September 6, 2013



     Walmart's new logo is very attractive. The sun at the end literally brighten the brand up.  The logo makes Walmart seems fresh, hip, and organic. When Walmart started updating to their new logo, they were also building out their grocery department. By adding the sun design, Walmart wants their shoppers to think the food selection is fresh and healthy.

Would you shop at Walmart based on the logo alone? Yes. This store looks like it would have a big selection of organic cosmetic and hair products.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Olive Garden

Olive Garden

The Olive Garden logo is very well done. Even if this logo did not have the letter, you could tell it would be for an Italian restaurant with the grape vineyard on the Italian house wall. The vivid green and purple of the logo comes off as very natural and organic. It makes one think that Olive Garden uses fresh ingredients straight from the backyard of an Italian estate. The font of the letters and the whimsical grapevine gives a fancy feeling to the restaurant. Judging by the logo, I would think Olive Gardens would be a place for formal wear.  The emphasis on the grapes implies that this restaurant would have an extensive wine collection.

Would you eat at Olive Garden based on its logo? Yes. The logo makes me think the restaurant will be an authentic italian restaurant.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Seattle Metro Bus Stops

Seattle Bus Stops

     All Seattle bus stops are mini advertisements for the Seattle Metro. I love how the bus stop designs have completely embraced the Seattle community. The theme of Seattle Metro is a nod to Seattle's nautical atmosphere. Bus riders can sign up for the Orca card. The main color scheme for each bus stop is blue frames with stained glass covered with ocean waves design. Certain bus stops have a strip of free space underneath the glass portion. Seattle Metro has allowed local art community and schools to decorate the space. It gives off a wonderful sense of community. It's obvious that Seattle Metro is proud of its connection to the city. 

Would you ride on Seattle Metro because of the bus stop design? YES! I've always enjoyed looking at the art pieces inside the bus stops.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Blue Colored App Icons with White Letters

Blue Colored App Icons with White Letters

     Is it just me or do all apps look the same? The most popular apps seem to follow the same formula when it comes to their icon design: blue background with white lettering. I can see why it works so well. Blue and white are pacifist colors and are inviting to the user. It sends a message to the customers that 'Hey, we're so popular we don't need to spell out our whole name'.  It's hard to tell one app from another when I'm using my phone in a hurry. I can't imagine someone with sight issues being able to distinguish among these apps. The design also doesn't tell the users anything about what this app does. If a person who has never heard of facebook saw the app icon, he would have no idea what this app does. The only app in this pile that gets points for creativity is the twitter icon. The 't' is designed to resemble twitter's mascot bird.

What would be the color scheme of your app icon? blue and orange. Go Greyhounds!

Monday, August 5, 2013


     The bolded simple font letters indicate honesty and straight forwardness. It tells customers that the store has nothing to hide in prices and has no fine print. The image is of the letter 'A' which stands for Aldi. It also looks like a ladder, which is a reflection of the bare bones environment that the stores operate under in order to offer lower prices to customers. The color scheme is not pleasing to the eye, however, the orange and red does make the Aldi sign stand out while driving down the road.

Would you shop here based on the Aldi's logo? No. The logo does not indicate what store this is. The logo makes me think this is a tools or home improvement store rather than a grocery store.